

Changing technologies and innovations make learning go hand in hand with experimentation. In today's study, it is necessary to have tools that make learning convenient. Faster access to resources on the contrary As a result of the success of technology development and innovation may affect nature significantly.

The Research topic used for publication. It will find a solution to the problem of food waste that has had a severe impact on the environment for a long time. Therefore, the motivation of this research is that we want to be another voice that will help create a great opportunity to make everyone pay more attention to the environment

because building a green classroom doesn't mean having trees or creating an atmosphere in the classroom. but to create awareness for learners about the mechanism of development in terms of innovation and technology that will help create valuable and effective works Reduce problems affecting nature in the long run for the sustainability of the world forever.

เผยแพร่เมื่อ วันที่ 04/12/2021