The current world of commerce is where buyers and sellers are connected by the digital world. The main factor driving fast and accurate trading is meeting individual needs. (Personalization), convenience includes a variety of accurate payment systems, including mobile banking on a reliable platform. Respond to both company and individual buyers
From the foregoing, it can be seen that The business world will never stop. The development of innovations or new technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to fulfill Needs in order to keep up with the rapidly changing demands. . The CUTIP course has designed subjects Strategy for entering foreign markets By focusing on creating a strategic plan that will help students create tools to penetrate the international market effectively. Including understanding the market mechanism before doing business as well.
#Innovation #Technology #ForeignMarkets #InnovationForSociety #CUTIP #TIP #Chula
เผยแพร่เมื่อ วันที่ 04/12/2021